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North America

Green Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Market Research

Value-adding research and analysis from an expert team

SFA (Oxford) has been working with North American investors, end-users, chemical companies and automakers for many years and is on hand to support their green investment, hydrogen and fuel cell strategies. North America has an ambitious hydrogen roadmap, leveraging decades of scientific and engineering developments, particularly in California. Home to some of the longest-established electrolyser and fuel cell system manufacturers, North America's significant recent M&A activity is widening the global reach and outlook of many of these companies. Use SFA's hydrogen team and analytical know-how to complete a deep-dive analysis of the North American electrolysis and hydrogen fuel cell market opportunities, presenting the current landscape and industrial sectors and players likely to benefit most from using green hydrogen production and clean energy mobility solutions.

Contact one of our team for more details.

Dr Jenny Watts

Head of Clean Energy & Sustainability

Dr Fahad Aljahdali

General Manager, KSA

Dr Sandeep Kaler

Market Strategy Analyst

Other hydrogen consulting solutions

Explore SFA's other available hydrogen economy and green hydrogen services for clients.

How can we help you?

SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.

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