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Knowledge and Insights

Commodities, Energy and Sustainablity

Supporting participants with unique market insights

SFA (Oxford) is proud to play a key role in helping players across the value chain in Platinum Group Metals, Battery Metals and Materials, Green Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Sustainability and ESG gain a greater understanding of the spheres of influence driving change in these key areas. Here you can discover our suite of market intelligence briefings, and uncover more about the unique metal markets enabling this global transition from research and development to commercialisation. SFA is closely tracking all of these areas for clients to assist their investment and portfolio strategies.

The Platinum Standard

The Platinum Standard comprises analytical articles on those issues we believe will set the PGM agenda for the years ahead and is released annually in May on the eve of London Platinum Week.

The Palladium Standard

The Palladium Standard comprises analytical articles on those issues we believe will set the PGM agenda for the years ahead and is released annually in September on the eve of New York Platinum Week.

The Hydrogen Metals Standard

The Hydrogen Metals Standard comprises analytical articles on those issues we believe will set the PGM green metals agenda for the years ahead and is released at our Green Metals and Hydrogen event.

Featured news

Stay at the forefront of sustainable technology with SFA (Oxford)'s latest analysis on critical minerals, energy transition strategies, and advances in the hydrogen economy. Explore the future with SFA across global value chains.

SiBs commercialisation path is promising, yet uncertain

2 May 2024 | Kimberly Berman

As the sodium-ion battery market evolves, SFA is on hand to evaluate the opportunities and challenges required for mass adoption. and the rising threat to LiBs. Hear Kim's early thoughts on this new EV technology.

Bridging the cobalt gap in the North American market

4 March 2024 | Kimberly Berman

EVelution is at the forefront of the EV revolution in North America and is breaking ground on a $200 million project that will produce up 33,000 metric tons of cobalt sulfate annually.

Platinum Group Metals

Discover more about PGM supply, demand, recycling supporting the energy transition.

Battery Metals and Materials

Find out about the key battery metals lithium, nickel and cobalt for electric vehicles.

Green Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

Discover why green hydrogen and PGMs are critical to supporting climate change goals.

Recent media and industry exposure

Our commodity coverage

Discover more about the PGM and Battery Metal and Materials markets SFA closely follows to support the clean energy transition for lithium-ion battery development, green hydrogen and fuel cells.


Keep regularly informed with our latest multi-commodity market insights via our analyst podcast series.

How can we help you?

SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.

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