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Event programme

Friday 12th May 2023

High Time for Hydrogen: Opportunities for PGMS

This year's event will feature distinguished guest speakers, interactive Q&A sessions, and a stimulating debate on the pressing demand for PGMs, driven by the accelerating momentum of the hydrogen economy. Held at the renowned Oxford University Museum of Natural History, the Oxford Platinum Lectures are a highly anticipated fixture of the London Platinum Week calendar, drawing from experts across the entire PGM value chain to deliver insightful lectures and passionate discussions.


09h30-10h30 − Registration

Coffee and light brunch are available

10h30-10h35 − Welcome

Henk de Hoop, Chief Executive Officer, SFA (Oxford)


10h35-10h50 − The Platinum Standard 2023

Beresford Clarke, Managing Director: Technical & Research, SFA (Oxford)


10h50-11h30 − EU initiatives: Making the Hydrogen Economy happen

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Chief Executive Officer, Hydrogen Europe


11h30-12h10 − The Future Powertrain Portfolio: Fuel cells, eFuels, Batteries − A Matter of Application

Dr Lukas Mauler, Senior Manager, Porsche Consulting

12h10-12h30 - Break

12h30-13h10 − The Role of PGMs in the Hydrogen Economy: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr Andy Walker, Technical Marketing Director, Johnson Matthey


13h10-14h10 − Light Buffet Lunch

14h10-14h50 − Hydrogen, Pharmaceuticals, Environment: Not just a Hype for PGMs

Dr Detlef Gaiser, Technical Sales Manager, Heraeus


14h50-15h30 − Iridium Catalysts: Thrifting developments
for sustainable hydrogen production

Wayne Thornhill, European Sales Manager, Ames Goldsmith Ceimig


15h30-16h00 − Afternoon tea/Coffee

16h00-16h40 − Hydrogen: Enough to save
the PGM miners' fortunes?

Kevin Eggers, Partner, AP Ventures


16h40-17h00 − The experts' panel

Moderated by Dr Jenny Watts, Head of Clean Energy and Sustainability, SFA (Oxford)


17h00-19h00 − Drinks Reception

Canapés in the Main Gallery of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History

SFA (Oxford) is committed to the responsible provision and consumption of alcohol at platinum industry functions. The commitment is made concerning the safety of the attendees at the functions and also the general public and consideration of those who choose not to consume alcohol or who are affected in any way by the misuse of alcohol.

The Oxford Lectures 2024

Thursday 9 May - Friday 10 May

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SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.

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