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Platinum Group Metals Market

SFA (Oxford) is a world-renowned authority on PGM insights and has undertaken many complex assignments along the value chain.

Battery Metals and Materials

SFA (Oxford) adds value to clients in the lithium, nickel, cobalt and other critical commodity industries with a strong consulting track record.

Green Hydrogen and Fuel Cells

The future of PGMs is in green hydrogen and fuel cells. Since 2005, SFA (Oxford) has informed global market development.

Sustainability and ESG

Analysing the environmental performance of companies has become very important to lenders and investors in recent years, and with our expertise in commodities, we can augment your green investment coverage.

How can we help you?

SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.

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