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PGM Autocatalyst Recycling Market Study

A Post-Covid Assessment

In-depth insights into the evolving PGM Autocatalyst Market

SFA has monitored volumes of spent autocatalysts for over 10 years and has just released it's latest ground-breaking study, conducted over six intensive months, which offers the most in-depth and unparalleled evaluation of the autocatalyst recycling market having undertaken extensive stakeholder interviews throughout the entire supply chain, from scrap yards to refiners. If your business is affected in any way by autocatalyst recycling volumes, this is an essential 200-page tool to evaluate risks and understand the upside and downside influences on flows going forward.

A Post-Covid Assessment

The past few years have seen significant disruptions in new vehicle production and sales, first due to COVID-19 and subsequently the semiconductor chip shortage. Despite a recovery in activity from COVID lockdowns and record PGM prices spurring a surge in autocatalyst recycling in 2021, spent catalyst volumes fell back in 2022. Even with a strong recovery in light vehicle production in 2023, autocatalyst recycling continued to decline, and it has yet to recover in 2024.


US Economic Indicators 2008-2024

Pre-Covid stability vs. post-Covid disruptions in key US economic metrics

Source: SFA (Oxford), Bloomberg

Source: SFA (Oxford), Bloomberg


This post-Covid assessment of the PGM autocatalyst recycling market evaluates pre-Covid autocatalyst flows and correlations against multiple variables (metal prices, scrap vehicle flows, macro influences), as well as a full evaluation of disruptive events (Covid, semi-conductor chip crisis, inflation, metal price spikes and aging vehicle profiles) on recycling volumes (2020-2024) and critically, a dashboard of leading indicators to predict the recovery of autocatalyst recycling.

The review provides insight into:

  • China’s recycling market
  • Autocatalyst flows
  • Future processing capacities
  • Updated outlook on silicon carbide scrap catalyst flows by age
  • Volumes by vehicle type and contained PGMs
  • A derivation of autocatalyst recycling economics

Augment your strategic decision-making

If your business is impacted by autocatalyst recycling volumes, this comprehensive 200-page report is an essential resource for assessing risks and understanding the factors influencing future flows, both positively and negatively. To find out more about the contents of this report, complete the form below and one of our marketing team will get in touch with you.

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David Mobbs

Head of Marketing

Joel Lacey

Sales and Marketing Specialist

Discover SFA's other PGM Market Intelligence

SFA (Oxford) is a world-renowned authority on platinum group metals and provides a range of in-depth market intelligence derived from ground-up modelling of supply and demand fundamentals and our hands-on, forward-looking commentary and analysis on the events and trends impacting the PGM marketplace. Each report is supported with direct interaction with the SFA team of analysts.

Long-Term PGM Market Report

Our in-depth market outlook provides current and long-term trends and influences acting on the PGM markets out to 2035.

The PGM Quarterly Market Report and Price Outlook

Released every three months, this price risk-focused report details-impacting factors for platinum, palladium and rhodium markets for the next three years.

SFA's team of consulting analysts

Beresford Clarke

Managing Director: Technical & Research

Dr Jenny Watts

Head of Clean Energy & Sustainability

Dr Ralph Grimble

Operations Director

Alex Biddle

Senior Mining Analyst

Oksan Atilan

Consulting Automotive Analyst

Dr Sandeep Kaler

Market Strategy Analyst

Brought to you by

Beresford Clarke

Managing Director: Technical & Research

How can we help you?

SFA (Oxford) provides bespoke, independent intelligence on the strategic metal markets, specifically tailored to your needs. To find out more about what we can offer you, please contact us.

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