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PGM mine supply

Regional production characteristics

Highly concentrated PGM production to just a few regions

Primary production of platinum group metals is predominantly distilled to Southern Africa, North America and Russia. South Africa accounts for around 70% of platinum supply annually. Except for PGMs produced in the Kondyor, Koryak and Urals regions, Russian PGM supply is mainly generated as a by-product of nickel mining (from Nornickel) and is the world’s largest source of palladium. Russia is also the second-largest producer of platinum and rhodium. Other key platinum mining regions include Zimbabwe’s Great Dyke, the Stillwater Complex in the US, and Canada's Sudbury Basin.

South Africa

Home to the Bushveld Complex, South Africa hosts the oldest and largest resource for PGMs in the world, with mining dating back to 1923.


Hosting the third-largest 4E PGM resource in the World, Zimbabwe's critical metals are a vital production source for the global energy transition to greener technologies.


Most palladium-rich PGM mines are close to the Arctic Circle in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, in the Norilsk region. Russia hosts the second-largest PGM resource in the world.

North America

PGM mining takes place at Stillwater Complex in the US, Lac des Iles mine, and mined as a by-product from nickel mining in Canada's Sudbury Basin.

Reserves and resources

The global distribution of platinum group metals differs by region, with each PGM-bearing reef having its own unique characteristics, and thus creating an unbalanced spread of regional PGM supply availability.

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