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Heraeus Precious Appraisal

Weekly reporting of precious metal trends

SFA's latest market view in collaboration with Heraeus

Since 2018, SFA (Oxford) has worked with Heraeus Precious Metals by delivering a complimentary weekly report analysing the key trends and developments in the precious metal markets and their likely impact on metals prices. It brings to bear SFA’s commodity expertise, technical knowledge and insight into political, economic and regulatory developments, all distilled into a five-minute interpretation of this week in the markets. Covering a wide range of themes (including transport, the hydrogen economy, PGM supply security, investment and recycling), the reports focus on a different precious metal each week, backed up by 'at-a-glance' charts on the issues of the highest importance. Essential reading for all precious metals value chain players.

The Heraeus Precious Appraisal team

For more information, please contact one of our team or visit Heraeus Precious Metals and sign-up to receive this weekly report in your inbox.


Dr Ralph Grimble

Operations Director

Daniel Croft

Commodity Analyst



Heraeus Precious Forecast 2023

View weekly


Edition 39

Green hydrogen cost will decline steeply as manufacturing base expands

View weekly


Edition 38

Older cars present a new problem for scrap palladium supply

View weekly


Edition 37

Wall Street and Main Street divided over gold investment

View weekly


Edition 36

Possible short-term price gains for PGMs to be offset as metal liquidity recovers

View weekly


Edition 35

Dhanteras, Diwali and dowries may well boost India’s gold demand in Q4’22

View weekly


Edition 34

More petroleum platinum demand at risk once Russian oil dries up in Europe

View weekly


Edition 33

Palladium demand growth decelerates as consumer demand for new vehicles weakens

View weekly


Edition 32

Gold could struggle to make headway until the Fed changes course

View weekly


Edition 31

Load-shedding: six stages of grief for South African PGM supply

View weekly


Edition 30

The fuse is lit: will platinum jewellery demand go up, or blow up?

View weekly


Edition 29

Instability and inflation hedging buoying central bank gold buying

View weekly


Edition 28

Ruthenium demand in hard drives not yet nailed by HAMR

View weekly


Edition 27

Are the specs turning bullish on Pt and Pd, or just less bearish?

View weekly


Edition 26

How do precious metals fare in recessions?

View weekly


Edition 25

Lockdowns hit Chinese electronics demand, dragging down industrial silver

View weekly


Edition 24

European energy anxiety may accelerate growth in Ir demand for hydrogen

View weekly


Edition 23

Price seasonality + extreme speculators’ position = gold rally?

View weekly


Edition 22

Near-term platinum price weakness may find some relief in a stronger rand

View weekly


Edition 21

Recession fears claw back commodity price gains from Q1 2022

View weekly


Edition 20

India can overtake China as the largest gold consumer this year

Not available


Edition 19

Hydrogen electrolyser capacity expansion essential to supply clean fuels

View weekly


Edition 18

Falling truck sales show US economy is slowing, risking PGM demand

View weekly


Edition 17

Industrial Ir and Ru demand at risk from construction slowdown

View weekly


Edition 16

London platinum week returns to the city

View weekly


Edition 15

Fed tightening continues. Is there any upside left for gold?

View weekly


Edition 14

Could Ford's electric pickup be a catalyst to reduce US PGM demand?

View weekly


Edition 13

China's zero Covid policy is putting the brakes on the auto market

View weekly


Edition 12

Platinum and Palladium funds outshone gold and silver in the first quarter

View weekly


Edition 11

Back to the 1970s: Oil price shocks and recessions

View weekly


Edition 10

Growing 5G smartphone sales and 5G towers signal more silver demand

View weekly


Edition 9

Russia-Ukraine conflict puts Pd and Rh automotive demand at risk

View weekly


Edition 8

Will high US gas prices push people into BEVs and impact PGMs?

View weekly


Edition 7

Russian invasion could accelerate platinum substitution into autocatalysts

View weekly


Edition 6

Powell vs. Putin: Whose influence is stronger for gold?

View weekly


Edition 5

Recycling in China is piling up

View weekly


Edition 4

Will Euro 7 boost PGM demand in Europe, or crush ICE?

View weekly


Edition 3

A great leap forward for fuel cell vehicles?

View weekly


Edition 2

Rand strength could helplift the platinum price

View weekly


Edition 1

Iridium and ruthenium were the only winers in 2021

View weekly



Heraeus Precious Forecast 2022

View forecast


Edition 44

Low-cost PGM ounces from Zimbabwe reaching record levels

View weekly


Edition 43

Platinum and gold ETFs retreat in 2021

View weekly


Edition 42

Has China given platinum a hevay-duty hangover?

View weekly


Edition 41

Increased M&A and expansion could unlock future PGM supply

View weekly


Edition 40

Silver's time in the sun

View weekly


Edition 39

Lacklustre investment is restraining gold demand

View weekly


Edition 38

Hydrogen ICE: iridium gains but platinum has losses and gains

View weekly


Edition 37

Despite auto sector challenges, the palladium market is tight

View weekly


Edition 36

Iridium is the stand-out metal of 2021, but is the best yet to come?

View weekly


Edition 35

The fuel light is on in Europe’s diesel market

View weekly


Edition 34

PGM recycling – short-term pain, long-term gain

View weekly


Edition 33

Spring forward, Fall back?

View weekly


Edition 32

The palladium price is only as strong as its weakest link

View weekly


Edition 31

More silver investment may be needed to lift the price

View weekly


Edition 30

A Chinese economic slowdown threatens palladium demand

View weekly


Edition 29

A golden anniversary for gold

View weekly


Edition 28

How will ruthenium fare in the fight for HDD supremacy?

View weekly


Edition 27

Tokyo 2020: fortune or flop for hydrogen?

View weekly


Edition 26

Is the rhodium price past its peak?

View weekly


Edition 25

Platinum: an ingot rush or sponge surplus?

View weekly


Edition 24

Will Euro 7 be a lifeline or loss for diesel and Pt demand?

View weekly


Edition 23

PGM mines endure South Africa’s third-wave lockdown

View weekly


Edition 22

Will silver feel the heat from the rising cost of solar?

View weekly


Edition 21

Auto chip shortage: a respite for palladium and rhodium?

View weekly


Edition 20

Gold and silver poised for gains on inflation fears - transitory or not?

View weekly


Edition 19

A pullback for platinum in H2'21?

View weekly


Edition 18

Is history repeating itself or just rhyming for ruthenium?

View weekly


Edition 17

Other metals take centre stage in London Platinum Week

View weekly


Edition 16

Small PGMs leading the price gains but for how much longer?

View weekly


Edition 15

Some central banks are concerned about inflation, but not the Fed

View weekly


Edition 14

Can a rising platinum price trigger a shift in sentiment for China's jewellery?

View weekly


Edition 13

Output recovered but where are rhodium prices so high?

View weekly


Edition 12

Higher inflation = higher prices for silver?

View weekly


Edition 11

History repeating itself for PGM demand? Covid continues to hit EU auto sales

View weekly


Edition 10

Nornickel's mining setbacks cause palladium prices to surge

View weekly


Edition 9

The future looks bright for iridium

View weekly


Edition 8

Supply shock lifts rhodium – palladium next?

View weekly


Edition 7

Record dollar short positions is now an alert on gold

View weekly


Edition 6

Will EV uptake in America dent PGM demand

View weekly


Edition 5

Is platinum's price rise due to substitution or seasonality?

View weekly


Edition 4

A short-lived silver rush

View weekly


Edition 3

Respite for Rhodium?

View weekly


Edition 2

Constrained refined output to keep Ir and Ru prices elevated

View weekly


Edition 1

Could PGM prices relapse in 2021?




Heraeus Precious Forecast 2021

View forecast


Edition 43

Hindsight is 2020

View weekly


Edition 42

Shipshape: strict ballast water legislation drives Ir & Ru demand

View weekly


Edition 41

What is the platinum market balance?

View weekly


Edition 40

More than a record rhodium price is needed to motivate additional PGM supply

View weekly


Edition 39

Sustained high palladium price favours substitution

View weekly


Edition 38

Winter is coming

View weekly


Edition 37

Will a solar-led renewable energy surge be the pandemic's silver lining?

View weekly


Edition 36

Compressed to impress – Europe leads PGM demand in the H2 economy

View weekly


Edition 35

Will oil refinery shutdowns be a platinum blowout?

View weekly


Edition 34

The US election is a vote for gold

View weekly


Edition 33

PGM price hazard ahead: will a coronavirus second wave crash auto sales?

View weekly


Edition 32

The rhodium rally – bucking the trend

View weekly


New York

Platinum Week – New York



Edition 31

Chinese speculative buying leaves little upside for platinum in H2

View weekly



Heraeus Precious Forecast update 2020

View forecast


Edition 30

Will a road race to electrify America leave PGMs in the dust?

View weekly


Edition 29

Seasonality cannot save gold's consumer demand this year

View weekly


Edition 28

Is it time to take profits in gold?

View weekly


Edition 27

Northam removes technical risk from its South African platinum projects

View weekly


Edition 26

Silver's momentum takes gold for now

View weekly


Edition 25

Hydrogen – breathing new life into the platinum market

View weekly


Edition 24

Bigger is better: storage growth boosts ruthenium demand

View weekly


Edition 23

Fast and Furious: rhodium outperforms in H1 with market tightening in H2

View weekly


Edition 22

Precious metal prices vulnerable to further declines

View weekly


Edition 21

Will BEV subsidies push Pd-rich ICEs onto thin ice?

View weekly


Edition 20

Stock markets' recovery - opportunity or danger for gold

View weekly


Edition 19

Delayed 5G network rollout weighs on silver demand

View weekly


Edition 18

Iridium & platinum in electrolysers: the clean, green hydrogen machines

View weekly


Edition 17

High price incites quick cash-for-gold scrap sales

View weekly


Edition 16

Platinum price incites Chinese buying

View weekly


Edition 15

Peak uncertainty, peak gold price?

View weekly


Edition 14

Low oil price and negative GDP growth signal lower prices for PGMs

View weekly


Edition 13

Market Watch

View special


Edition 12

Market Watch

View special


Edition 11

Market Watch

View special


Edition 10

Market Watch

View special


Edition 9

Oil prices tank to $30/barrel

View weekly


Edition 8

South African supply: short term loss, long term gain

View weekly


Edition 7

Iridium and ruthenium in the clean energy revolution

View weekly


Edition 6

Will China's woes limit silver's time in the sun this year?

View weekly


Edition 5

Coronavirus lifts safe-haven demand but hits PGMs

View weekly


Edition 4

Petrol hybrids to win near term emissions race supporting Pd & Rh

View weekly


Edition 3

Palladium's outperformance over platinum to continue in 2020

View weekly


Edition 2

A lot of risks are already priced in for gold

View weekly


Edition 1

Pd & Rh prices jump higher, but what goes up, must come down

View weekly



Heraeus Precious Forecast 2020

View forecast


Edition 45

South African PGM supply short circuits under Eskom

View weekly


Edition 44

Can expanding hydrogen mobility fuel platinum's future

View weekly


Edition 43

Gold - reasons for a seasonal low

View weekly


Edition 42

Palladium and rhodium prices hoist South African miners in to profit



Edition 41

Subsidy cuts overshadow PV silver demand



Edition 40

Will ID.3 pull the plug on palladium and rhodium demand?



Edition 39

A rougher ride for NEVs in China adds to palladium's appeal



Edition 38

Do positives for platinum signal a turning point?

View weekly


Edition 37

Gold ETFs hit record high on weak global outlook

View weekly


Edition 36

Implats aligns its output more closely with future order books

View weekly


Edition 35

Reversing US trucks could signal lower Pd & Rh prices

View weekly


Edition 34

Physical shortages pinch palladium prices

View weekly


Edition 33

Precious metals outshine industrials

View weekly


Edition 32

The platinum price is up but the fundamentals point down

View weekly


Edition 31

Is rhodium's rally over?

View weekly


Edition 30

Northam's rise - it's elementary

View weekly


Edition 29

Are negative yields positive for gold?

View weekly


Edition 28

Falling EU manufacturing PMI and truck sales shift Pt demand into low gear

View weekly


Edition 27

Ruthenium demand set to fall, but not because of its high price!

View weekly


Edition 26

Is the end of the central bank agreement a sell signal for gold?

View weekly


Edition 25

Silver is cheap and ETF investors have finally taken notice

View weekly


Edition 24

China car sales: BEVs gain, petrol and palladium's pain

View weekly


Edition 23

A taxing time for gold in India

View weekly


Edition 22

Rhodium outperforms in H1'19, ruthenium underperforms

View weekly


Edition 21

Wage rises vs job security: A low platinum price costs jobs

View weekly


Edition 20

Economic uncertainty lifting the gold price

View weekly


Edition 19

Has diesel turned the corner in Germany?

View weekly


Edition 18

Silver short covering rally underway, but can it continue?

View weekly


Edition 17

Merged Sibanye-Stillwater-Lonmin is the force in rhodium

View weekly


Edition 16

Palladium demand in China is not just about vehicle sales numbers

View weekly


Edition 15

The view from London Platinum Week

View weekly


Edition 14

Indian auto sales slow but higher PGM gearing ahead

View weekly


Edition 13

Gold price volatility lowest in almost 20 years but it will not stay low forever

View weekly


Edition 12

Is palladium's bull market over?

View weekly


Edition 11

Platinum ETF holdings surge, but price to remain subdued

View weekly


Edition 10

Rhodium - more price volatility ahead

View weekly


Edition 9

China's jewellery demand loses its shine

View weekly


Edition 8

How much lower can the Pt:Pd ratio go?

View weekly


Edition 7

Will Pt investment demand balance the market in 2019?

View weekly


Edition 6

A Eurozone recession will hit palladium demand hardest

View weekly


Edition 5

Geopolitical risks will keep central banks buying gold

View weekly


Edition 4

Visible palladium stocks have fallen by 75%

View weekly


Edition 3

Uncompetitive miners still need to cut output, despite high rhodium price

View weekly


Edition 2

Palladium indicator flashing: Chinese car sales turning down



Edition 1

Precious metal seasonality shows prices typically rise in Q1

View weekly



Uncertain times ahead

View forecast


Edition 43

Platinum is gearing up for the hydrogen economy

View weekly


Edition 42

Platinum is in the adoption zone

View weekly


Edition 41

Wall Street worries to benefit gold?

View weekly


Edition 40

Will the palladium price slip up on an oil slick?

View weekly


Edition 39

Palladium becoming a hand to mouth market

View weekly


Edition 38

Inelastic demand may insulate iridium demand from its high price

View weekly


Edition 37

Platinum oversupply set to hoist rhodium price

View weekly


Edition 36

Diesel tank now one-third full; more bad news for platinum?

View weekly


Edition 35

Gold outlook mixed, with non-commercials net short. Rally Coming?

View weekly


Edition 34

EU will struggle to hit CO2 emissions targets without diesel

View weekly


Edition 33

Oil at new highs could indicate more near term upside for palladium

View weekly


Edition 32

China auto sales drop but credit trend to lead Pd price higher?

View weekly


Edition 31

China's PGM demand to grow by >20%; Heraeus opens facility

View weekly


Edition 30

Further palladium price upside ahead?

View weekly


Edition 29

Difficulties in India may cut Q4 gold jewellery demand

View weekly


Edition 28

US investors see low platinum price as a buying opportunity

View weekly


Edition 27

Will traders be squeezed by their summer shorts?

View weekly


Edition 26

Is platinum a bargain or is it going lower?

View weekly


Edition 25

Cloud storage expansion positive for ruthenium demand

View weekly


Edition 24

Investment the loser in the Zimbabwe election?

View weekly


Edition 23

Sentiment and Q3 seasonality suggest a gold price rally!

View weekly


Edition 22

Platinum demand falling, CO2 emissions rising

View weekly


Edition 21

European gold ETF holdings climb as political and economic risks grow

View weekly


Edition 20

Iridium outperforms, palladium underperforms in H1'18

View weekly


Edition 19

Will platinum futures traders be caught out?

View weekly


Edition 18

A weaker rand is helping SA PGM miners' revenues

View weekly


Edition 17

China cuts solar cell tariffs; hits silver demand by 10 moz

View weekly


Edition 16

Will today's high fuel prices impact PGM demand?

View weekly


Edition 15

Platinum's two largest demand segments are shrinking

View weekly


Edition 14

Bitcoin - a flash in the pan or a replacement for gold?

View weekly


Edition 13

How long can the good times keep rolling for North American trucks?



Edition 12

Does oil have platinum over a barrel?



Edition 11

Record net short in silver futures should lead to a price rally



Edition 10

Platinum:palladium ratio at a turning point?



Edition 9

Consumer confidence boosts US auto sales in March



Edition 8

Uncertainty trumps economic growth as gold outperforms silver



Edition 7

Despite NEV promotion in China, Pd and Rh auto demand still grows



Edition 6

And the leading actor oscar goes to palladium



Edition 5

Events in EU could raise uncertainty and hit the euro and gold



Edition 4

Heraeus secures future PGM supply



Edition 3

Small metals, big prices - but how big are the risks?



Edition 2

The calm before the euro storm?



Edition 1

Greater risk of more PGM supply cuts


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The Oxford Platinum Lectures

Friday, 10 May 2024

New York 05:30 (EDT), London 10:30 (BST), Frankfurt 11:30 (CEST), Johannesburg 11:30 (SAST), Moscow 12:30 (MSK), Tokyo 18:30 (JST)

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New York PGM Lectures

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

New York 05:00 (EDT), London 10:00 (BST), Frankfurt 11:00 (CEST), Johannesburg 11:00 (SAST), Moscow 12:00 (MSK), Tokyo 18:00 (JST)

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Our special event returns to New York Platinum Week, discussing global events impacting the palladium market.

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